Saturday, January 4, 2014

Secret Sauce and Magic Fairy Dust

I love this quote from Eiji Toyoda, by way of Jon Miller's Gemba Panta Rei blog post, The Man Who Saved Kaizen:

On Toyota's secret sauce:

"Ultimately, there are no special secret strategies to the Toyota Production System. We are just doing the obvious things, thoroughly, without omission, as a habit. This is simple, but difficult to do consistently across large organizations."

Reminds me of what Mr. Nagamatsu of Shingijutsu shared with us years ago while at Tektronix-Danaher:  "There is no magic fairy dust!"

That said, what I've found if you do the basic (obvious) things thoroughly, without omission, as a habit, then 'magic' happens!  .....there's just no bottle for it.

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