Saturday, January 4, 2014

Casey Neistat--Lean Rockstar (and Movie Maker)

I've watched a few (OK, many/most) of this guy's videos on YouTube, and I must say I like his stuff and generally his approach to life (from what I can tell).

It wasn't until I saw "Casey's Neistat's Wildly Functional Studio" that the Lean connection hit me.  Check it out:

He gets it:

Visual management (at a glance.....dare I say "5S")........check.
"Moonshining" (i.e. making things yourself from what you have readily available).....check.
--Not letting perfect get in the way of better.....check.
--Creativity before capital.......check.
and more.....
Oh, and don't forget.......Being cool..............................check.

Similarly, lots of Lean-ness with "Emergency Brake":

You can check out more of his stuff at:

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