Thursday, June 20, 2013

Movie Clips that make you go, Lean?!?! --The Hobbit-Good Morning Scene

I may be a little behind on the movie scene, but last weekend I watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with my kids.  Next to the scenes with Gollum, the scene that I enjoyed the most was the "good morning" scene towards the beginning of the movie.  I was waiting (and hoping) for Gandalf to break into a full lesson on the importance of simple standardized language and communications and/or Simple English, etc.  Or he could have 'dropped' the quote from George Bernard Shaw, "the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."  Yet, it was quite entertaining as it was.  I was pleased that I found this movie clip.  Enjoy.  - M

"The first follower is what transforms a ‘lone nut’ into a leader." - Derek Sivers | Great Stuff: TED Video, How to Start a Movement

This TED video has been out for a while now, but it never gets old.  Derek Sivers does a great job narrating/presenting.  A great, short watch!  - M

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Great stuff: Recorded Webinar--"A Roadmap to Lean Healthcare Success" from LEI and John Toussaint, MD

Yesterday I re-watched this webinar from LEI and John Toussaint, MD (originally from back in mid April) with a group of healthcare leaders.  The presentation hits all the 'high points' very well.  It's nice having resources like these available for free.  It sure adds support to my messages on the topic when someone like Dr. Toussaint is saying basically the same thing.  Hats off to LEI and those Lean leaders out there drawing on these free resources to advance their Lean journey.

Recorded Webinar: A Roadmap to Lean Healthcare Success, from LEI and John Toussaint, MD

Great Stuff: The Lean Management System Workshop with Joe Murli (YouTube)

You said it Joe!

I love listening to how others present the concept and content of the Lean Management System.  Although an 'advertisement' for the workshop, this video provides the viewer with a great overview-outline of the Lean Management System.....value for the customer even before they sign-up!  - M

Great Image: Sloan vs. Lean Management

I love this image for comparing Sloan Management style to Lean Management style.  (Note: originally linked to from Google+, but I can't seem to find the original source.  If anyone knows the original source let me know and I'll add the reference.)

Great Stuff from Godin: Overcoming the impossibility of amazing

Great blog post from Seth Godin: Overcoming the impossibility of amazing

Sounds a lot like the Lean saying, "don't let perfect get in the way of better."

I particularly like the last line from Godin"There's a big difference between not settling and not starting."

Commercials that make you go, Lean?!?! --MiO Fit, "Change"

Oh, Tracy Jordan (er...Morgan).......what a keynote speaker you'd be for a Lean conference.  Talk about change!   - M

Commercials that make you go, Lean?!?! --EDS, "Airplane"

Building airplanes in the sky--does this remind anyone of Lean transformation, or is it just me?  - M

Commercials that make you go, Lean?!?! --Liberty Mutual Insurance, "Humans"

Ah, yes......humans. Not always as perfect as we think we are. Can you say
poka-yoke?  Love it!  - M

Jim Womack and Lean. Zen indeed!

Jim Womack discusses the state of the lean movement, and compares the A3 management process with traditional modern management | Lean Enterprise Institute

I love Jim's line at ~11:44, something like, "...the fact that you don't know anything, and have no authority, is what actually makes you useful..." ...when he is talking about having fresh eyes, and referring to process improvement professionals (of some type). Zen indeed, Jim! Love it!  - M

Lean gardening???

Check out Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA | Video on

Favorite quotes: “The funny thing about sustainability…is that you have to sustain it.” and “Plant some sh*t.”

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Great Stuff: Lean is like the blues.......

.....everyone has their own version of it.  Love this stuff from the Gemba Coach:
"Why Are There So Many Points of View About What Lean Is?"